Writer, inventor, fighter

Hello friends,

I was wondering what to write here so that “you”, my guest would get an idea of who and what I was all about. I wanted to say so many profound and poetic things like I love to write, I love life, I love beer and whiskey. 

Although I do indeed LOVE all those things and more, I cannot claim them as a complete description of  who I have become.

The story of “me becoming me” is more of a series of events over a lifetime.

Here is the summary of the ebook I wrote that is “my life” growing up in New York City.

Hopefully the following will give you an idea of why you should want to buy me a beer and/or punch me in the face.

Tales of a Sinner  by Steve O’Brien

THINK:  Basketball Diaries  MEETS   Raging  Bull   MEETS   Strawberry Fields

This is a novel revealing the emotional, physical pains and pleasures a young man endures while growing up in New York City during the 1960’s and 1970’s. It is a first-person non-fictional account replete with emotion and stingingly blunt and humorous dialogue. The story is a timely expose of a young male who is constantly struggling internally while he literally must fight to survive life on the streets. He is unknowingly addicted to the drugs and the violence that accompanies him on his journey into adolescence.

The story is divided into three stages of the young man’s life:

First, his early life is detailed as he is exposed to several tragic events that constantly unfold around him. While growing up in an Irish-American neighborhood and attending catholic schools, his street life becomes a testament of his non-acceptance of authority. It soon becomes clear to him and others around him that his life is his own.

Secondly, his teen years where his daily struggle with drinking, drug use and street fighting leads him to a near death by suicide. Now, homeless and recluse to his peers his adventurous spirit takes him on a two-year hitchhiking journey across America. When he tries to escape the mean streets of New York City he discovers that his troubles are self inflicted. Hitchhiking affords him the opportunity to new experiences. The road becomes a means for him to be himself without having any long term repercussions from the locals he briefly interacts with. His early “street education” comes in handy during the many dangerous and erotic experiences of the road.

Finally, his years as a young adult. The life style and habits have not changed, yet he gallantly tries to grow up and escape the life he created for himself. The tales continue as he flows from one drunken, violence fueled event to the next. These “tales” are actual moments in time, flashes of events that take place throughout his life.

This novel is a photo album with words telling of a life that is anything but normal.

These are my stories, these are my tales.         


  1. wordflinger says:

    … an ability to assume the identity of someone else in another time and/or place…

    Interesting blog – – sincere, a rarity among blogs!

  2. danny hay says:

    knowledge of what is really beyond us

  3. Cliff Miller says:

    to be invisible and the gift of great odor….

  4. Manny says:

    I just wanted to say to the family. You have a great man in your life. At this time you must all pull together and look for the light for it will be fantasic. I was able to meet with him while in MDC, and I know of his love for his family. If I can give you and insight, please email me.

  5. Perrino says:

    Great blog! Will keep coming back for more doses of your writing!

  6. petrel41 says:

    Hi, thanks for liking my killifish blog post!

  7. I think you are a very good writer, and I wish you all the best in the very bright future!

  8. i like the the honesty in your posts… how you write what you brain tells you too..
    like your writing :)

    • sobnyc says:

      Good morning, Thanks for the kind words. In a way I feel that I might be able to tweak my words a bit now and then, yet when I feel something going on inside my “brain-housing” I put it to paper immediately.

  9. Nae's Nest says:

    I look forward to reading Steve. Extremely moving. You have become a man to be proud of.

  10. Subhan Zein says:

    Hello there,

    You write wonderful poetry up here. Well done! Keep penning and keep inspiring. You’ll do wonders one day, I am sure! :-)

    And please take a look at my blog; I write poetry too. Some poems that may be of interest to you: “Love is a Heart Throbbing Joyride”, “My Greetings to You”, “Your Heart is My Favorite Playground”. Thank you and have a lovely day my friend! :-)

    Subhan Zein

  11. thesubterraneanworld says:

    I am certainly reading the book you mentioned . Your poetry have a life-enhancing impact. I wish you all the very best for your future.

    • sobnyc says:

      its a little rough around the edges, but i am working on it. You will have a great ride while reading it.

      Thanks for your support.


  12. petrel41 says:

    Hi SOBNYC, congratulations!

    I have nominated your fine blog for the Mrs Sparkly’s 10 Commandments Award.

    See the rules at

    10 Commandments Award, thanks Alyssa!

  13. petrel41 says:

    Hi, congratulations!

    I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award.

    The rules are at

    One Lovely Blog Award, thanks george-b!

  14. margmadi1 says:

    Steve, Thanks for sharing your awesome talents :)

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