Posts Tagged ‘sex’

usmc flagan excerpt from Tales of a Sinner…

I was becoming too comfortable with this lifestyle. My friends and family endured me because deep down there had to be a “good-guy” in there somewhere. I had seen and been part of more than life’s fair share of death and near death.

Karma was winning. I had to make a change. I had to save myself.  There was a place that I heard of where men like me could go to, a place that would never judge or discriminate against those who sought its embrace. I’m sure that the local authorities would endorse my application into this organization. I was at a dead-end in my life and I felt it was going nowhere fast.

So I did what all good blue blooded males do at this point in their lives. I signed up to do three years in the Marine Corp. I wanted to do something totally different, something I had never done before. This was certainly different.

After all the paperwork and legal shit was done. I had gotten into a fight and got arrested and the judge wanted to send me away. Luckily the Gunny who recruited me, bailed me out of that jail in Long Island by telling the judge I was entering the military. I was told to report to the USMC recruiting station at 181st and Broadway on the 3rd of September.

The night or two or three before the 3rd of September, I was out partying with as many good friends I could possibly find. We drank and smoked everything we could possibly smoke and drink in three days time. I was so hammered when the morning came for me to report to the recruiting station. I couldn’t walk on my own so like good buddies they were and not wanting me to miss my appointment. They literally carried me and dropped me off at the front door of the recruiter’s office. I actually awoke inside the doorstep of the recruiter’s office.

It was early morning and there were people stepping over my drunken ass in the doorway. Moms and dads hugging and kissing their sons and daughters goodbye and everyone wishing everyone good luck.

All this mushy shit please, “Give me a break”, (and a beer and a cigarette). When all the crying and good wishing was finally over, the Gunnery Sergeant who recruited all of us said, “I want everyone upstairs in my office for a quick meeting before the bus that’ll take you to the military processing center gets here.”

We go to his office and he proceeds to tell us that our group of 22 recruits from NY City is the second largest group of New Yorkers to go into boot camp at one time this year. In his infinite wisdom he decides that one of us should be the “group leader” and handle all the medical and personnel files for the 22 of us.

For some ungodly reason he hands “ME” this large briefcase type luggage looking thing with all the personnel and medical records for all us recruits. He declared that “I” should be this responsible person. He must have regretted that decision once he handed me that records. Because then I choose as my assistant record keeper, this crazy looking dude with a Mohawk haircut.

So here we go, getting onto a bus that will take us to the Fort Hamilton military processing center in Brooklyn. All 22 of us, 18 men and 4 women including me and Mohawk guy, “The Keepers of the Records.”

It takes us about an hour or so on the bus to get to Ft Hamilton and then another 10 hours of physicals, stress tests and assorted other useless examinations. From the base we take another bus shuttle to JFK airport. We check in at the ticket line. The airline proceeds to tell us that we have a good 7 or 8 hours to wait until our flight takes off.

“7 hours? What the hell do you do at JFK International airport for 7 hours?”

Dig this; because I was the “leader”, I felt it was my duty to take care of us in the best way I knew how. I rounded everyone up and said, “Now some of us have money in our pockets and some of us don’t have any money at all. And since we’re going to boot camp for three months none of us will need any money.”

I collect every dime from the whole group we actually ended up with a few hundred dollars. Then me and Mohawk Hair Dude take a yellow cab into downtown Queens and buy 25 cases of beer, ice, smokes and munchies. We then take another cab back to JFK, gather our fellow recruits and we all march across to the other side of the airport till we get to what was then known as the Flying Tigers airplane cargo hanger (now it’s the FedEx terminal).

We then spent the next 6 hours drinking, and getting to know each other. What a fucking blast. Most of these kids never had a drink in their life, it was awesome.

By the time we went back to the main terminal and the gate to board our plane we were so freaking drunk that the 4 girls with us were actually placed into wheelchairs. As for the rest of us, we were farting, burping and making all sorts of other humorous bodily noises. We finally get seated and the plane takes off, and of course, we continue to buy drinks and food.  We get thru the majority of the flight without any major problems, other than vomiting and a few fights with some of the other passengers. We safely land in South Carolina.  Of course, we have another hour or so to wait for a second and much shorter flight to a smaller local airport closer to our final destination Parris Island South Carolina. So of course we slam back a few more beers and buy some more booze. Everyone is doing their very best to smoke all their cigarettes and do any other illegal substances that they had on them before we get to the base.

Finally we boarded the last flight and everyone appeared to be mentally preparing themselves for what lies ahead. The flight takes less than 30 minutes and while we are descending into the airport, the pilot makes an announcement over the intercom. He is telling everyone that they have some special passengers on board. The pilot politely asks the other passengers if they would allow us future US Marines to exit first. We will be exiting thru a separate door in the rear of the aircraft. Even though we are all shitfaced drunk we’re thinking, “That’s right we’re Marines, make way you bunch of ordinary civilians.”

That attitude does not last long though. The plane lands and taxis to the gate. As we walk toward the rear of the plane to this little exit door that is now open. I can hear screaming and yelling, more barking than yelling. It wasn’t until I got to the exit door myself that I saw what the all the yelling and barking was all about.

Standing at the bottom of the steps, was quite possibly the biggest, meanest looking person I have ever seen in my entire life, (including in the movies). He was massive. And he was pissed off for some reason. He was screaming, “Get down here you bunch of low life @%$%, and you *)&%#$. He was yelling at the top of his lungs, which I am pretty sure were massive as well. As the “drunks”, (that’s us), made our way to the bottom of the stairs this massive dude was literally tossing people to one side of the room. I was able to run past him with the Mohawk hair guy into the bathroom to take a piss and snort the last of his cocaine.

All of the sudden the frigging bathroom door comes flying open. The door practically comes off its hinges. And here comes SGT Rock Massive still screaming and yelling as he comes right at us. He sees that we’re doing drugs and takes a swing at me about head high. I duck and he hits the metal partition between the urinals we are standing at. The freaking thing breaks off the wall. I’m laughing and pissing on myself as I run out of the tiny now “door-less” bathroom and into the madness that is the room filled with all my other drunk recruit buddies.

I get to one side of the room to join everyone else and it took a moment before I realized that there were just as many SGT Rock Massive pissed off dudes out here as there were of us drunks. There had to be a dozen of these crazy bug-eyed screaming giant drill instructors.

Everyone is scrambling to find a corner to run to or stand in, just get away from these psychos. The Smokey hat wearing screaming, barking bellowing, yelling, vein neck bulging Marines are running behind people. Screaming at them, ordering us to stand in these little yellow footprints painted on the floor.

They finally round everyone up and into the appropriate areas, it seems like things are starting to settle down a bit.  “But, as you can figure out by now, there is much more abuse to come, especially my way, because after all this is my story.”

I’m standing straight as I can like everyone else. On my left is this little room with a small window, like one of those windows they have in the police station interrogation rooms. (Not that I know of such rooms personally, or do I?) Through the small window, I can see SGT Rock Massive and this other huge guy in a hat. The two of them are waiving their hands, hats, and everything else all about like madmen.

They’re also holding this black plastic garbage bag.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. Remember that briefcase luggage looking thing that the Gunny gave us with the records in it? Well while we were at the airport drinking all that beer. I used that briefcase thing as a cooler for some of the beer.  So naturally I used a garbage bag to hold the records. I was now guessing that all the records in that garbage bag got all shuffled and mixed up. The two giant mean screaming Sgt Massive come out of the little room and with one look. Everything and everyone stopped, no more screaming and yelling, just silence. I swear that second lasted an hour, but it didn’t. All of the sudden SGT Rock Massive starts screaming,


Well, everyone looks at me and starts laughing, me included, but not for long. Before I knew it, I had one SGT Massive Mean Screaming Hat Shaking Marine standing in front of me screaming.  Another SGT Massive Mean Screaming Hat Shaking Marine at the right side of my face.  I had one other SGT Massive Mean Screaming Hat Shaking Marine at the left side of my face. And I had yet another SGT Massive Mean Screaming Hat Shaking Marine at the back of my neck, and YES there was actually one more SGT Massive Mean Screaming Hat Shaking Marine standing on top of a chair yelling at the top of my head, at the top of my head!

They are so close to me that every now and then one of them would knock his own hat off when its brim would hit me. You would think they could yell without their hats, right? Apparently not, they need the hats to yell, I’m not kidding. I don’t ever remember seeing a drill instructor yell without his hat. Well because of this still infamous act, I became the most taunted recruit throughout my entire experience at boot camp. Everyone knew about O’Brien and the medical records fiasco. Every time there was a punishment handed out, our entire platoon had to scream, “Thank you private O’Brien.”

I survived boot camp and the rest of the shit that karma delivered to me. The moments and opportunities in my life that I thought had meaning and merit didn’t have either. The things in my life that I squandered and wasted would have been gladly received by someone else in this world.  I had so much given to me and I gave it all away.

Know what?

I wouldn’t change a single minute of that or any other day in my life up till this point.

clense heart

Cleanse my Heart



Just want to

Wash away

All the moments

Before today

Start fresh

With new reason

Stop giving

Into treason

If I could

Id reach in

Remove the pieces

Of past sin

Look at it

In tilted hand

Watch it spill

Like time clock sand

Never again

Will I be

Brought to tear

Brought to knee

All it takes

To live this part

Is cleanse my soul

Cleanse my Heart


There was this dream I had last night. One of many dreams last night in fact. In some of my dreams I’m a hero, saving the less heroic. I’m sure I would be a real hero in real life if I ever called upon.

I’ve nothing left to lose so I’d have nothing to fear.

Yet this one dream last night was about “her,” or maybe it was really about “me.” Maybe me and her, oh hell, the truth is the dream was about MY HEART. MY HEART; the very interior of MY HEART.

I found myself actually inside of my own heart. What a sensation it was to know that I am inside of myself. Not in the typical way. This was different, much different

I know it’s me on the outside I can hear my own voice and now, now it’s me on the inside.  Looking around while inside MY HEART I could see the layers upon layers of milky red walls, the miles and endless miles of blood vessels that wormed their way around me, pulsing and pushing the purest blood to every part of my body.

I was inside the very thing that keeps me/us alive. Was this really a dream? I can feel the vibrating red walls; I can hear the deafening beating and drumming of MY HEART. As I look in wonder around at this majestic new prison cell I am in, I wonder if I will ever be able to leave, if I will ever awaken and once again be outside of me. Will I want to?

I reach out to touch the delicious looking milky red walls of MY HEART and as I do it shakes and retreats away from me.  I don’t understand why is MY HEART pulling away from me? I reach again and once again MY HEART withdraws from my touch. What have I done, why does MY HEART not want MY touch? Suddenly I feel the sensation of falling. I’m falling! Not just me, everything IN HERE is dropping, falling downward, and spiraling out of control. I can’t hold onto anything because MY HEART continues to elude me as I struggle to grab something. Faster and faster MY HEART sinks, deeper it and I go, but to where? Part of me wants to wake up and have this dream become nightmare over with. But NO I want to stop this falling; I want to help MY HEART.

My ears are now bombarded with the sound of the red milky walls cracking and splitting open. The sound is horrible; it’s like a wailing or crying. The sound won’t stop, and as I fall faster towards I don’t know where, the crying is all around. I notice that there is now no beating in MY HEART only the cracking and now a gurgling sound, as if MY HEART was drowning. I feel the rain as it showers down upon me, only it’s not rain, its, its TEARS. MY HEART is crying and gurgling on its/MY tears. Falling, gurgling, and spiraling. I try to scream but no sound comes out of my mouth. I reach up to touch my mouth my lips but there is nothing there. No lips, no opening. I try to look at my hands, but I cannot see.

I cannot feel me anymore.

I am but a whisper inside my head, inside MY HEART, a mere notion of something once now gone.

We are inside and still the storm has its way with us- Not afraid are we having weathered storms before – Yet this one seems to be of a more personal nature – It seems as if this one has a path, a direction, a mission – it is in itself a vein to which we must accept just as we accept the now evaporating air we struggle to breath – To not be terrified and alarmed right now would be a mistake – The fact that this storm is inside and not of the exterior norm, is frightening – The very color of our blood has become  not blue or red but black – The designs of who we are or who we were have been molded and melted into something too vulgar to see or touch – This is the moment that all dread of and some dream about- When everything you knew or thought you knew to be true is now slowly and surely leaving with the storms windy current – Say goodbye to love, hope and life – say hello to disbelief, terror and pain – NOW run to escape – OR wait and overcome- your choice – I’ve made mine…


The Mark



The two men never saw each other before; yet they each knew the other one existed and that someday they would meet.




Just as expected Agent Dexter had gotten the phone call in the middle of the day, the caller said for him to retrieve an envelope from the usual spot, it would contain the information about the assignment aka The Mark.


Agent Dexter put on his favorite black baseball cap and went down to the post office store down the street from the hotel where he rented his room by the week. The postal clerk working the counter with the yellow golf shirt never looked up at him; he was talking on his cell phone, probably to his girlfriend or one of his golf buddies, Agent Dexter thought to himself as he walked past him over to the mailboxes.


The envelope was a little bigger than normal; he opened it up as he walked out of the store. As he was shuffling thru the contents a small cassette tape fell to the street. He looked around to see if anyone on the street had noticed, “Good, no one saw anything,” he thought. He looked at the tape and put it, along with the papers back into the envelope. He then tucked it securely under his arm and walked back to his room.


The lobby of his hotel was empty as usual, that was one of the reasons why he liked this place, no one here cared about anyone else He could come and go without attracting any attention.


He walked past the elevator towards the door for the stairwell; he would never take the elevator, elevators were a trap if he ever saw one.


Two steps at a time that’s how he liked to do it, it kept him hard and quick and in shape, quite often his line of work demanded that he be athletic and have stamina. He reached the door to his hotel room and took a moment to check and make sure the little piece of string he had wedged into the door hinge was still there, if it wasn’t then that meant his door had been opened while he was away. You always, always had to be careful in his line of work.


Good it was still there, he slipped his key into the door opened it quickly and stepped inside his neatly kept room. He always kept things neat, easy to pick up and go quickly if the need arose. You never know when you might have to leave town in a moment’s notice to do an assignment. He dumped out the contents of the envelope; spread out the papers, photos, the cash and the cassette tape onto his bed. Looking at the cash he smiled and reached down under his bed and pulled out his duffel bag, he put the cash in the inside pocket and zipped it closed. He sat back and looked at the photos of his target; The Mark was young and pretty, very pretty.






Agent Jones was talking on the phone when that rude dude with the black baseball hat walked past him again without as much as a nod hello. The rude dude went to his mailbox, got an envelope and walked outside the post office. Then the “IDIOT” dropped something on the street right outside his store. He was watching this all take place while listening to the caller on his phone telling him about his latest mark.


Agent Jones had been in this business a long time and he knew that there was competition out there. He never actually met the competition but he knew that day would soon come. The caller told him to go and get the envelope with the new mission information in it.


Agent Jones took the “out for lunch” sign from under the counter and placed it on the door. He went to get his envelope and then he hurried to the back office, closed and locked the door. He sat at his desk and turned the little lamp on and opened his envelope. The envelope had the usual photos of the mark, this one was young and pretty too. The upfront money that he always insisted and a cassette tape. The note inside instructed him to play the tape at the usual time during the mission. He reached under his desk and took out his duffel bag, placed the information in it and left the store, as he closed the door behind him he turned the sign around so it read “closed for the day.”


Agent Jones walked to his parked car and got in, he turned the key, and gunned the engine a little, that sounds nice, it is important to have a good fast automobile in this line of work. He had handpicked this car partly because of the power and handling, but he also really liked that is was painted completely black.


He must have been thinking of the mission and his driving when he pulled out of the garage. He was almost side swiped by some asshole in a red two seat convertible. He double checked to make sure all other idiots were gone and turned out of the parking garage and into the street where he became just another driver to everyone else.






Agent Dexter had memorized the photos of the mark, he remembered every line on her face, how she looked when she smiled and even her hair style, all this had become engrained in his memory. He took the photos and burned them in the trash can back in his hotel room. Always always get rid of anything that might incriminate him, he was a smart thinker.


He picked up his duffel bag and opened his room door; before he closed it he placed the string in the door hinge like he does every time he leaves his room. He took the stairs to the lobby two at a time and sprinted out thru the lobby like a ghost, he wouldn’t be back till much later and it was best not to attract any attention as to what time he was leaving the hotel.


Agent Dexter had a small red convertible car parked at the end of the street, he got in turned the key and smiled as the engine purred to life, and he shifted into gear and pulled out into traffic. He was tuning in the car stereo when he suddenly had to swerve hard to the left to avoid the idiot in the black car coming out of some underground parking lot, IDIOT!


Agent Jones got out the envelope and looked at the directions to where the mark lived. The address was a suburban home in a quiet section of town, perfect, these were always the easiest assignments, and best yet was that these Marks never saw him coming.


Agent Dexter drove out of the city towards the suburbs, he had written the address on his hand when he had burned the directions along with the photos in his hotel room, very smart of him, and he was pleased with himself today.


Agent Jones read his directions which said to take a left off the highway and a right onto Main Street, go ½ mile and turn left on Peachtree lane then right on Cobble Place to number 37 Cobble Place. That would be where the mark lived, easy enough, right?


Agent Dexter was going a little too fast down Main Street and he almost sped past a police car, he started sweating a lot and he wiped his hand on his forehead to catch the sweat, luckily the cop in the car was reading a newspaper and he was able to speed by unnoticed.


He made a right turn on Peachtree Lane and started looking for Cobble Place, he turned his hand over to look at the house number, OH NO, his hand, the sweat, he must have wiped it on his forehead by accident. I’ll pull over, no, no there’s no time, I don’t have time. He started to panic and reached for his duffel bag when his eyes caught his reflection in the rearview mirror. Holy crap, there it was, the house number was still on his forehead, it must have smudged on there when he sped past the cop and he wiped his brow.




Agent Jones was pulling down Cobble Place reading the house numbers, 29, 32, 33.


Agent Dexter was coming down Cobble Place at the exact same moment. He was looking at his head in the mirror for the house number, 35, no 39, aawwww, 37, 37 that’s it number 37.

He almost crashed right into the black car coming the other way, IDIOT he’s not even looking.


Agent Jones saw number 37 and drove past a few more houses so he could park discreetly and walk to the mark’s address without attracting attention.


Agent Dexter pulled right up in front of house number 37 and parked his car; he took a moment to wipe the black marker with the house number from his forehead. He got out of his car with the tape and a radio to play the tape in; he put on his wig and glasses on and stood for a moment to look around and make sure he wasn’t being watched.


Agent Jones was standing next to his car looking into the mirror and adjusting his hat with the wig in it and he was putting some makeup on his face as quick as he could.



The two men never saw each other.




The birthday party was in full swing when the doorbell rang, Sally and her sister both heard the doorbell at the same time, and they ran as fast as they could to the door. Sally the birthday girl got there first, she was in her favorite dress, and she really did look pretty. She opened the door and looked at the man in the doorway with the makeup and the radio in his hand; she stepped back a little when she saw the stranger reach into his duffel bag. She watched as he slowly pulled out the cassette tape and inserted it into the little boom box. There was a moment between them when their eyes met, Agent Dexter lived for this moment, the marks never knew what was coming, and it was exhilarating to him.


He put the tape in and pressed the play button.




Agent Jones could see someone in the doorway looking at the mark, he tried to get their attention but it was too late, he could see the agent from the other company leaning over to play the tape. He was too late.



Agent Dexter pressed play and the music started.


“Happy Happy Birthday, Happy Happy Day, I hope its a great one in each and every way.


Agent Dexter started dancing in the doorway for the little girl.


The Mark squealed in delight and said,” Mommy mommy look it’s a clown, oh mommy I love clowns,” thank you so much. This is the best birthday ever.



Agent Dexter smiled back at the little girl, he loved this job, he really did.



One day a friend and I were talking about family, family love and family values. Our conversation turned towards mothers, and as always when we speak of mothers we speak of love, we speak about respect.


My friend went on to share with me a fable he heard. A tale, about paying homage to our mothers.


The fable goes like this;


There was a man who made a pilgrimage to Mecca. He traveled over 500 miles from his small village to the holy site. Once he was at this holy place he then spent the required 5 days walking around the shrine in the center of the site. This man not only walked the 5 days but he carried on his back his aged invalid mother for the entire 5 days so she too could pray. After the 5 days had passed the man told another worshiper about his wondrous act of honoring his mother.

The other mans response was; “you could have carried your mother on your back all the way from your village, for the full 5 days and all the way back the 500 miles home hopping on one leg and you still wouldn’t come close to honoring her as she so rightly deserves.”

I found this fable very profound. This story was inspired by that fable.

Please enjoy.





“I’m over here Kahn,” called Pearl from across the grand hall. Kahn smiled and turned towards the sound of her voice. It was a sound, that from the first moment he heard it, he knew he would love her forever.

“I’m coming Pearl, I’m coming,” he called back as he made his way through the throngs of people passing him. She too was weaving in and out of the crowd. She reached her hand through some of them. Kahn reached for her. He took her hand in his. He smiled as he felt her grip, she leaned in and Whispered, “come outside with me.” Like children with a devilish secret they sneaked past everyone and found a secluded spot outside the grand hall.

“I just came from the doctor, I have the results Kahn,” she squealed. Kahn looked into Pearl’s eyes. He knew at that very moment their lives would be changed forever. Pearl shrieked, “We’re pregnant Kahn, we’re really really pregnant. Twins Kahn, one little girl and one little boy.” They were holding hands and they started jumping up and down in circles. Suddenly Kahn stopped and said,” Pearl you shouldn’t be jumping like this in your condition. You need to be careful for now on.”

“Oh, Kahn, she said you’re going to be a wonderful daddy, I love you.”




Pearl was getting dressed as Kahn came up to her, kissed her tummy and said,” look at my babies.” Pearl smiled as her husband lifted his head and softly kissed her on the lips. “I’ll start breakfast,” he said as he scooted past her and into the kitchen. Pearl came in and satin her chair while Kahn served their meal. He asked Pearl to say their morning prayer. They held hands and bowed their heads as she gently spoke the words. Kahn was in absolute bliss as he listened to both the prayer and the sound of his beautiful wife’s voice.



“So far, everything looks normal with your babies.” The doctor started but, I am concerned with that swelling on your throat Pearl.” She had been feeling sore for awhile now. “Let’s set up for some tests over the next few weeks, okay Pearl, I want to stay ahead of any complications,” said the doctor.

Later that evening as Kahn slept. Pearl wept silently. She had always wanted to be a mother and now suddenly this mysterious illness might take that away from her and Kahn.




“Well Pearl, the doctor started, I’m afraid the tests are correct. That swelling is affecting your bodies immune system. Based on all the samples we’ve taken from your family it appears we do not have a match. We need a compatible match for your anti-bodies. You haven’t much time left. You should consider and early delivery of your son and your daughter.

“How long has she got doctor?,” Kahn asked through his tears. “It could be a few months or a few weeks. I’m sorry Pearl, unless we find a donor with the right anti-bodies soon well…I’m sorry really I am.”

Pearl spent the next morning sitting alone in the nursery. She was rocking in a chair as she rubbed her swollen belly. “No matter what happens my children. Know this I will always be your mommy. I will always love you, oh and one more thing, take it easy on your daddy, okay?” Pearl said as a tear rolled down her check, landing on her belly.




It had been 2 weeks since the doctor ran some additional tests on Pearl and the twins. She and Kahn sat anxiously in his office awaiting the results.

Finally, the doctor came in and sat at his desk across from them.

“Pearl, Kahn, I have the results of the tests we did. It appears that your unborn son has the exact anti-bodies needed to save your life Pearl. Further tests have also revealed that your son is actually sending these anti-bodies into your system. Your daughter is perfectly fine and you Pearl, you are improving considerably.” The young couple embraced each other momentarily relieved.


“But, the doctor began; there is bad news as well. I’m sorry to say, as your son is saving your life, he is killing himself Pearl. He will most likely not live till birth. I cannot explain how or why. But your unborn son is literally sacrificing his life to save yours.”


 “Honor thy mother”








I’m scared DAD

Me too SON, but as long as we’re together I’m not as afraid

Really, really DAD

Really really SON

Okay DAD, if you’re not afraid then I’ll be brave

Alright SON, take my hand walk to the edge of the cliff with me

Hold my hand tight DAD, you won’t let go will you

I won’t ever let go SON

Okay DAD let’s go to the edge, but I’m keeping my eyes closed

SON, we’re at the edge, look down

I can’t DAD

Ha-ha sure you can SON, just open your eyes


Come on SON open your eyes and look down

I’ll open one eye DAD

Okay SON, one eye, is it open


All the way open SON

All the way DAD

See SON look down, cool isn’t it

Yeah DAD very cool

Both eyes now SON, open them both


Still feel brave SON

Yeah I do DAD, wow it’s far down

Yes it is SON, it’s very far down, but that’s good

Why is it good DAD

It’s good SON, because we get to fly longer

Longer DAD, you mean straight down more

Straight down at first SON, but then we’ll fly in circles

Big circles DAD

If that’s what you want SON

Yeah DAD, big circles like a big bird that would be cool

Okay SON big circles it is, are you ready

Yeah, no wait one more thing DAD


What happens when it’s over DAD

What do you mean SON

What happens when we stop flying DAD

Oh well, then we land SON

After we land, DAD then what

Well SON then we walk home

We walk hand in hand right DAD

Yes SON hand in hand

Forever right DAD

Forever and ever SON




A Shame


From here

Where I sit

I can see

All of it


Of  the mess

I have made

Of the love

That she gave


How I turned

Her gentle heart

How I tore

It all apart


Twisted the words

Spoken by two

You blaming me

Me blaming you


Trying to hold

Onto the wind

Once of pure

Now of sin


Again alone

Again in pain

Again my heart

Feels a shame




Here is a collection of all the posts that I never finished. I started them and then either lost my momentum or got interrupted. I thought this might make for some interesting comments.


It’s not like I mind the walk, because I don’t. In fact I cherish the journey more than the destination, truly I do. I always take the longer road so I can see and experience more. This road may be filled with turns and dips, but that is why I walk it


I close my eyes and I see HER.

SHE stands just ever so close enough that I can see.

I inhale and I inhale HER.

SHE gently exhales in my direction.

I move and I feel HER moving with me.

SHE dances with my soul, moving me to and fro.

I breath and I sense the rise and fall of HER chest.

SHE pushes my lungs so that I can fill of HER.

I look over my shoulder to change lanes and I see HER of the side of my road.

SHE races towards the engine of me.

I even know SHE’s standing beside my bed at night, I try to open my eyes but cannot.

Mockingly SHE brushes my cheek with her hair.

I can taste HER scent.

SHE wets her finger and traces it across my lips.

I am all around HER.

SHE has me in HER sights.

I want HER to make me HERS.

SHE holds my heart and cradles my life.

I cannot say to HER.

SHE will not hear.



I keep thinking that I have lost my dark edge. I recently said to a friend that sometimes life treats you in a good way and in it’s wake you lose something. It might be the other way around too. Maybe the hard replaces the soft. For some that might be a good thing, I personally don’t want the change. I happen to like where I am at times, and I would rather ME change things instead of having LIFE rearrange ME. Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m happy in my life really I am. It’s not what I was expecting, but hey it’s a life. The reason I get out of bed in the morning


I wasn’t hoping, planning or even looking for this to happen, (again). She was just wandering along her road and I was blindly taking one step in front of the other in my so called life. I can’t remember how it happened, HELL I can’t even begin to imagine WHY it happened?  Wasn’t I given enough second chances in my life. Wasn’t it me who took every golden opportunity HANDED to me and squandered it? WTF. There must be more deserving than ME? Is she more deserving, if she is, than why am I in HER picture? I don’t get it anymore, this whole KARMA thing is happening again to me, only this time I’m not the one receiving, I’m the one giving, for chrissakes.

So to sum up; met her,wet her, forget her.

Oh man, this sucks.



I cannot believe the level of anger that swells up  inside of me. It is like a WHOLE nother person in there. Someone who is at the very end of nothing left. I used to believe that I was bulletproof, that nothing could hurt me. I was at one time THAT GUY. Not anymore, now I’m just a shell of that guy. All the years of getting shot at, well I guess some of those rounds got through, because I’m starting to feel the shrapnel. Too bad, I suppose it happens to the best of us huh?



Just humming along, singing a song, thinking I got it made in the shade. “HA”  “HA HA” I say. Got it made my ass! I got played, bamboozled, hoodwinked, scammed. By none other..than MYSELF

What a crock it is to think I have no



“Honey I’m home,” I called out as I walked in through my  front door.

“Honey, hello?” There was no answer. I put down my briefcase, hung up my hat and coat and walked into the kitchen to find my wife.

My son came out and jumped on me and said,”mom went to buy a lottery ticket dad, she said she was tired of being unhappy.”



Man, what a beautiful day it is today. Looking up at the sky I can see every single cloud, really every single wisp of white cotton. I could almost reach up and touch the strands of silk as they float past me. The suns warmth and the gentle breeze as they mix and dance around my face is exhilarating. I feel each puff of air that is allowed to stray from the other winds above me.  The springs release of scents like grass and moist dirt seeps up from below me and mixes with it’s sister like heat of the day. I love this time of year. I wish it to never end, always be warm and playful. Teasing me with it’s allure of more days like this to come. I was standing on the side of the street as the band marched past me.  I could hear each instrument as it was played. I could sense every emotion the music was trying to elicit in me. Staring at the parade and the others like me watching it, I was overcome with a sense of singularity. I suddenly felt like I was completely alone in this crowed space. My senses were heightened and alarmed as I began too see what was happening. While everyone cheered and clapped for the marchers as they passed by. I saw it happening through my now impaired vision. Is this for real??? Can this actually be happening??



The fact that she and I even talk is amazing…There is nothing for us to talk about….Nothing in common…Either I’m wrong OR she’s wrong OR we’re both right OR as is often the case we are on total opposite sides of the simplest of topics…It does not matter who’s talking OR who’s listening…I wish I could be someone else watching us as we talk…What would it appear to be that we are doing?…Hell, I’m not saying  it’s a horrible relationship…I love her and I’m sure she loves me…We just don’t say it anymore, at least not to each other…Sad isn’t it?…For all the talking we do AT each other you’d think ONE of us would take the initiative and stop talking and SAY the one thing that we both need to say and hear…



Last evening I was unafraid…last evening I was bold and brave in a cute boyish mannered way…last evening I made sure to scrub clean all the parts of me that might get kissed,licked or touched…last evening the air outside was crisp and fresh, the air was begging for cuddling…last evening I figured it to be the perfect evening…last evening I made my move…last evening I was wrong…last evening was “HE SHOOTS, he misses”…last evening wa



Closing my eyes and wishing sleep to take me quickly, but once again I am cheated. Why must MY body refuse to give me what it needs? What it craves, desires and most importantly begs for. I beg to forget this day, just as I begged to forget yesterday, and I will most surely ask the same tomorrow evening. Just lay down and have it go away.



ONCE upon a time –

I just walked in and saw her standing there**She was waiting for me, really waiting for ME **Maybe everything in HER whole life had led her to this point**It seems MY karma had this planned all along**When I said hello and she smiled I knew right then that I would kiss her**Great kiss too**Many years have since passed and we have grown older, together**I cannot kiss her anymore**IT just isn’t the way now



Ha ha , it’s happened again. The one you think is the one for you is just another one. WOW, how many times do I have to go thru this crap?



Once we met

I knew for sure

That I’d never have

To look no more

I found the one

Right for me

It happened so quick

I almost didn’t see

But thankfully yes

I did embrace

Her eyes her heart

Her lovely face

I pinch myself

Every now and then

Do I deserve

What heaven sent

Of course I do

And so does she

I’m sure she feels

The same of me

She is my life

My heart my soul

I love you dear

Till we grow old

